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Gem Gel+ is a gel glue that can be used for installing both large and smaller pebbles because its viscosity does not allow the pebbles to spill anywhere at normal room temperature.

*When using Gem Gel+, please note that before drying, gently clean the excess stones with a gel brush.

If necessary, use Gem Gel to fill holes or around stones for extra strength. If it is not necessary, use the top gel around the stones. When gelling over the pebbles, the pebbles lose most of their shine, so I invite you to try the previously described technique!:)

Another option is to successfully attach the glitter to the surface of the nails with Gem Gel+ so that the top gel is no longer applied to the glitter✨

Ideal for creating ornaments or attaching larger accessories. I myself have used this product for years and I dare to warmly recommend it because in my work Gem Gel+ and Gem Gel are one of the irreplaceable combos.

In a larger amount, Gem Gel+ looks yellowish, but in a smaller amount, it is not so, so don't be afraid of it :)

Gem Gel+


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